opportunities-header Opportunities - Africa Inland Mission


If you’re looking to see how God can use you in the world, AIM’s short-term program is a great place to start. Short term offers the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and invest in something bigger than yourself; to discover a world where God is at work in wonderful ways, and to be a part of it. With a flexible attitude and a servant’s heart, you’ll be a blessing to many, and you’ll come away blessed as well.  AIM offers assignments of a year or less in a wide range of ministry types.



FUEL Participant, South Africa


Located in Musina and Laudium South Africa, the FUEL team members will be trained for cross-cultural missions under the leadership and mentorship of experienced missionaries.

Start: Sept 2023
Finish: Nov 2023

The major tasks will involve:

  • completing the FUEL curriculum (focused on the book of Acts)
  • observing, learning and participating in outreach ministries amongst the migrants and UPGs in Musina and Laudium
  • learning about the local culture and building relationships within the community and local church
  • experiencing mission work in a cross-cultural team and setting

Harvest, Lesotho


This Harvest Team gives young Africans an opportunity to experience missions among an unreached people group (UPG) in Lesotho. To equip, envision and inspire them as individuals, and their respective churches to play a greater role in seeing the great commission realised in the Southern parts of Africa beyond.

Start: Feb 2023
Finish: Apr 2023

Located in Lesotho, the Harvest team members will be trained by an African leader/teacher. The major tasks will involve:

  • Abiding with Christ through daily prayer, the Word and worship individually and as a team
  • Completing the Harvest curriculum (an introduction to church planting and discipleship methods)
  • Observing, learning and participating in outreach ministries amongst an unreached people group
  • Learning the local language and culture and building relationships within the community and local church
  • Debrief on exit and discussion about future assignments/next steps



Oum Hadjer TIMO Team Member/ Church Planter


Start: Sept 2023
Finish: No set date
Duration: 2 years

The goal is to see reproducible, missional, and mature churches amongst all the peoples of Chad. The Muslim peoples of Oum Hadjer are unreached with little to no access to the gospel and it is our desire to see a church birthed amongst them. Chadian Arabs are one of the major people groups found in the Oum Hadjer area.

What are the major tasks of the job?
Language and culture learning, intentional study of missiology, evangelism and discipleship.



Mahajanga Inbound Team Member


Located in Mahajanga Madagascar, the Mahajanga Focus Team will be led by experienced missionaries and work among the Sakalava people. The Team members will be trained and equipped in outreach to UPGs, partner with local believers and mobilise them towards missions and be learners of culture & language

Start: Aug 2023
Finish: Aug 2024

Major Tasks

  • Language and culture learning
  • Team studies (Inbound curriculum and other team duties)
  • Supporting team ministries: outreach to UPGs, developing church partnerships and mobilisation.
  • Site visits to UPGs and other ministries


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