OFMTanzania-60 Give to a Missionary
OFMTanzania-60 Give to a Missionary
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Amos Petersen - ZA001

Amos Petersen served as a missionary among the Diaspora in Malta for 2 years as an outreach team leader and disciple maker. He returned to Cape Town where he will serve among the Diaspora Churches and nations, who share a desire for reaching out to African migrants. For the next three years Amos will be involved in forming partnerships between AIM and African Churches, and work with his church in their Church planting program, before returning to Europe. Amos intends to mobilize a team of South Africans for Diaspora ministry in Europe.

He is married to Maria Petersen who hails from Malta.

Church: All People’s Church, Stellenbosch

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August and Anita Basson - ZA002

(Based in South Africa)

August’s favourite call, “Let’s Go” is well known in AIM. Previously serving in Lesotho, he is a mobilizer at heart. August and Anita share a passion to integrate agricultural development and cross cultural discipleship and equip the church to implement long term strategies among Southern Africans. Using the Farming God’s way tool, August and Anita will continue to train and develop future young missionaries from their farm in Ladismith.

Dutch Reformed Church, Stellenbosch

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CX mobilizer - ZA021

(Creative Access, based in South Africa)

Creative access refers to areas where access to the Gospel is restricted and requires a creative way of entry. With years of experience in Madagascar and North Africa, our cx mobilizer has a heart to mobilize African churches for missions, mentor young leaders and more specifically those who cross borders to work in professional placements among the unreached in Creative Access countries.

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Devina Shah - ZA003

(From Kenya, based in Nantes, France)

Devinah is a student in Nantes, France, a very diverse city. She works in collaboration with AEM. Their vision is to make disciples of the international students that came from unreached people groups and equip them to go and make discipels in their home countries.

Church: Le’Eglis Ayrt Paris – Paris.

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Driekus and Andrieka Stander - ZA004

(From South Africa, based in Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania.)

Driekus and Andrieka Stander (South Africa) are serving in Kilwa Masoko in Tanzania. Driekus has a gift as a handyman, construction and specifically developing innovative water systems for rural Africa. Andrieka is going to home school and spending lots of time with the neighborhood children. Driekus's ministry focus is to use practical skills as a platform to reach out and disciple people on the South Coast and remote Inland villages of Kilwa district in Tanzania. He also works together with the Unity of Churches in Kilwa Masoko in doing outreaches.

Church: Logos Baptist Church, Cape Town

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Gideon & Rachel Mashauri - ZA039

Gideon and Rachel Mashauri are from the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are blessed with four girls (Abigail -14 years old, Sarah-12 years old, Deborah- 9 years old and Esther- 3 years old).
The Mashauri's have been serving since 2012 and have joined ZAMRO in 2023. They have a heart for mobilising and are excited to serve in a place where God will lead and for His glory.

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Grant and Loki Swanepoel - ZA018

Grant and Loki serve as a pastoral couple of a multicultural student church plant in Gqeberha in the Eastern Cape Province. The Nelson Mandela University draws a lot of African students for rural and urban South Africa and the desire is to reach the inner-city communities from all over Africa who live and work around the church property. Their ministry involves evangelism, discipleship, peaching, missions promotion and ministry training for interns. Grant dreams of putting “The Gospel institute in place” which will focus on training prospective African leaders who cannot afford theological studies. Often students feel called for ministry but are torn between following their calling and caring for their families.

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Jacob and Juliet Igba - ZA019

(Southern and West Africa Mobilizers)

Jacob serves as a Southern African Mobilizer and theological lecturer at Mukhanyo Theological College in Gauteng. His passion for mission can be some up as follows: assisting Africa to become the next mission force. Jacob focuses on Mobilizing through equipping, training and theological education. He also serves on the Global Mobilizing Strategic forum and Simply Mobilizing South Africa.

Juliet stems from a missionary family, is a passionate prayer mobilizer for the persecuted in West Africa, specifically among the Tiv people in Nigeria.

They have two sons, Zedek and Jerry.

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Jinx and Dawn Reyneke - ZA005

(From South Africa, based in Namibia)

Jinx and Dawn Reyneke moved to Namibia after years of service in Mozambique. They are managing a tourist lodge in Divindu, while mobilizing the local churches and believers in the district council of Divundu. They also have a heart to see the Gospel transform the lives of their employees and equip them in how to pray for missions and discipling others.

As experienced missionaries for over 20 years, they share a passion to equip upcoming African missionaries through practical skills in construction, plumbing, vehicle mechanic and small-scale farming.

Church: Holy Trinity, / Reach, Pieter Maritzburg

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John and Tanya Dunn - ZA040

(South Africa - Completing Aviation Studies in the USA)

John and Tanya Dunn, originally from South Africa, are currently residing in the USA, where they are completing their aviation studies. Their journey has been marked by a deep sense of calling and dedication to mission aviation.

The Dunns are blessed with four children: Tristan, Michaela, Adeline, and Charis.

John's passion for aviation traces back to his childhood dream of becoming an air force pilot, which was rekindled in 2010 when he encountered helicopter pilots promoting pilot training at the car dealership where he worked. Despite setbacks in high school, the Dunns' desire to serve as missionaries in the aviation context was ignited in 2014. After years of perseverance, they were provided with the opportunity to train at Moody Aviation, recognized as one of the best mission aviation training schools globally. Their gratitude to God for this opportunity is profound.

An evangelism training course John underwent played a pivotal role in shaping his vision for mission work, instilling in him a deep desire to preach the gospel to those who have not heard it before. For the Dunns, missionary aviation perfectly aligns with their passion for flying and sharing the gospel, representing a harmonious blend of their lifelong aspirations.

Over nearly nine years, their vision for mission work has evolved, with a specific focus on church planting among unreached people groups since about 2017/2018. Their dedication to this cause drives them forward as they prepare to serve with AIM AIR, combining their passion for aviation with their desire to spread the message of hope and love to those in need.

Church: Trinity Church, Cambridge Baptist Church

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Ken and Alice Bacia - ZA007

(From Kenya, serving in Kenya)

Ken and Alice (Kenya) serve among an Unreached group in Nairobi with their gifts in teaching English, music and small business enterprise. They joined AIM as experienced missionaries in 2021 and are a real heartfelt, passionate couple who love the people whom they serve among.

Church: Nairobi Baptist Church

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LH - ZA009

(From South Africa, serving in Kenya)

Louise (South Africa) serves among an unreached group in health care education (e.g. maternal and newborn workshops) and has a passion for discipleship and making newcomers from Africa feel at home in AIM. Collaboration, is key in reaching the unreached people among whom she serves.

Church: Common Ground Church, Cape Town

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Lerato Lesoetsa - ZA008

(From Lesotho, preparing to serve in North Africa)

Lerato’s journey into mission started in 2019 with a team visit to Mozambique among an unreached group. She served in 2021 for one year in Uganda in AIM’s Inbound team, where she was well prepared for the mission field in church mobilization, team life, cross cultural experiences, etc. She now feels called by the love of Christ to serve in North Africa in the future and will be looking to raise her financial support.

Church: Fill the Gap International Ministries, Maseru

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Leon and Camin Davids - ZA041

(From Cape Town, South Africa earmarked to be in Madagascar)

Leon and Camin will be joining an inbound team in Madagascar that starts mid-2023. The team will be following a concise curriculum. The team focus is to abide in Christ, grow together as a team, focus on language learning and grow closer to the community and serve in their allocated churches.

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Lucky Mogakane - ZA010

(From South Africa, based in Lesotho, earmarked to go Madagascar)

Lucky is currently involved in reaching the Sakalava and Antakarana people of Madagascar in Nosy Be and Nosy Mitio. His ministry focus for this first year or so is learning the language and building relationships. He is using English as a means both for building relationships, preaching the gospel and discipleship.

Church: Connect Church, Cape Town

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M & T K - ZA042

(Kenya Missions Partners - Preparing for Service in the Islands)

M &T K, along with their children hail from Nairobi, Kenya. Their journey has been one of divine guidance and transformation, transitioning from the corporate world to farming, where they discovered God's purpose unfolding in their lives.
As they walk out their calling, they are embarking on a new adventure, preparing to serve as missionaries in the Islands. Their faithfulness and obedience to God's leading have brought them to this pivotal moment, ready to share the message of hope and love in the Indian Ocean islands.

Church: Varghese Ministries, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Maureen Nyambura - ZA012

(Kenyan, based in Mozambique)

Maureen had her first missions exposure through serval short term teams in Lesotho, Kenya and Mozambique. She finally heard the Lord’s call clearly to serve among an unreached group along the east coast of Mozambique where she serves on a small AIM team.

Church: Covenant Baptist Church, Nakuru

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Matilda Ntukela - ZA011

(South African, based in Madagascar)

Matilda serves as a missionary in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Her main areas of focus are bible training and making disciples through mentoring Malagasy students. Matilda is a real prayer warrior and always seeks ways to be strengthened by the Lord’s presence in her life through discerning His wisdom and receiving perseverance through the Holy Spirit.

Church: AFM Aliwal North

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Natasha Simons - ZA023

Natasha is currently serving on an Inbound Team in South Sudan alongside a team of six members, following a concise curriculum. The team focus is to abide in Christ, grow together as a team, focus on language learning and grow closer to the community and serve in their allocated churches.

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O S - ZA043

(Botswana - Earmarked to serve in the Islands)

O S, hailing from Botswana, recently joined Africa Inland Mission (AIM) with a deep sense of purpose and dedication. Having participated in short-term missions previously, OS brings valuable experience and a heart for outreach to his new role.

In his journey, O S volunteered with Capro Missions and actively engaged in programs such as the Kairos Course, DIMEP, and the Discipleship and Mission Exposure Program at Capro Missions Botswana. These experiences profoundly influenced his vocation choice, highlighting the urgent need for gospel outreach and a calling to partner with God in reaching the unreached.

O S's decision to serve with AIM stems from his conviction that it aligns perfectly with his calling to spread the Gospel to those who have yet to hear it. His commitment to this cause drives him forward as he prepares to embark on this new chapter of service in the Islands.

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